Waste Management

Waste management involves the collection, transport, processing and disposal of waste materials. The primary goal of effective waste management is prevention, followed by reuse and recycling and appropriate disposal. Effective waste management contributes to the creation of a cleaner, less wasteful and more sustainable society.

Management of waste is a basic requirement of ecologically sustainable development. In an effort to reduce adverse environmental effects, it involves waste material collection, transport, processing and disposal. 

Waste materials can originate from a variety of sources and include industrial, agricultural, commercial and domestic activities. These waste materials include demolition waste, energy and water treatment waste, mining waste, radioactive waste and biosolids.

Waste Treatment

Effective waste treatment strategies assist in minimizing or avoiding adverse impacts on the environment and human health, while allowing economic development and improvement in the quality of life.

CEC working group collaborates with a variety of industries to deliver cost-effective and environmentally sustainable waste management solutions. We aim to: 

- Conserve resources of water, energy, raw materials and nutrients.

- Control pollution of land, air, water and sediment.

- Enhance business performance and maintain corporate social responsibility.

- Improve occupational health and safety.

- Reduce CO2 emissions.

Many governments and organizations are adopting 'zero waste' policies.This whole-of-system approach aims to reduce waste at the source through product design and producer responsibility.

It also includes waste reduction strategies further down the supply chain such as reuse, cleaner production, product dismantling, recycling and repair.

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