Women in SMART 


Since 2006, WOMEN in SMART partner program has introduced international Female Entrepreneurs, Inventors, Scientists, Educators, and Industry Professionals, to unique business opportunities, training, resources, and contacts they need to successfully do business in SMART Communities, engage in STEM in Universities, and drive more girls to STEM in primary Schools.


The Women in SMART partners are female entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, angel investors, and attorneys interested in supporting their international female peers in their new market launch to help overcome the challenges they face in scaling, promoting, fundraising, and establishing their business in a new market. The Women in SMART network has emerged as an important driver for women’s success, in accessing funding and launching a business in a new market.


To support international women in their new market discovery and launch,  the SMART Community Council USA launched Virtual Market Expansion USA for Women. This partnered learning and mentorship program is designed to help more women enter and expand reach and operations in new market, university, or primary school within the United States, U.S. Territories, and its allies.

Women entrepreneurs and business owners are now invited to apply for the VME USA Cohorts. These cohorts will connect women with U.S. entrepreneurs and leaders from U.S. government, business, and academia committed to do business with women-owned businesses and provide women access to market intelligence, skills training, and resources women need to land softly in a new market within the United States and U.S. Territories. We invite you to participate in Women in SMART hybrid events and meetings to meet community and business leaders committed to invest in SMART initiatives and projects, and introduce yourself to your peers seeking to connect with you to share goals, expertise, technology, solutions, and services.


Women in SMART Speaker Series


Communities and Organizations that adopt SMART today are likely to be the ones that thrive and remain competitive in a rapidly changing world where economic, social, and environmental factors will shape our future and drive new markets.


SMART trend is likely to not only impact and influence markets but also trigger technological innovation and change while stimulating regulatory and policy developments locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, which in turn represent opportunities for Women in SMART, in respect to SMART goods, services, and R&D.


Productivity, market share growth and sales increases are the driving forces for SMEs. Companies must be prepared and put in place SMART strategies that will enable them to achieve the desired results.


By incorporating SMART solutions, enterprises and organizations can improve productivity, push their brand higher, and boost sales in highly competitive global marketplace. By increasing SMART market share and sales, SMART solution providers will contribute to SMART growth locally, regionally, and globally.


Many SMART solution providers, want to share their expertise and technology with consumers, but most often do not have the resources to enter the SMART marketplace. Ultimately, the amount that enterprises and organizations spend on the implementation of SMART today will be negligible when compared to the future financial benefits to business. Therefore, enterprises and organizations that take advantage of SMART today can take their business to the next level of success.


“Women in SMART”, will share insights - best practice and lessons learned from Women in SMART business today. How they have effectively improved productivity; pushed their brand higher; and boosted sales through SMART business solutions; business alliances; focus groups, pilot programs, and partner projects.



• Women’s impact in SMART

• How to enter and expand your business in SMART marketplace
• How to improve productivity, push your brand, and boost sales through SMART 

• How to create uncontested SMART market space
• How to make the competition irrelevant through SMART
• How to create and capture new demand for SMART
• How to align SMART business activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost 

• How to attract Investment in SMART business and R&D


SMART (Sustainable, Measurable, Affordable, Resilient, Technology), are products and services that do not exist today – the unknown market space, unexplored and untainted by competition, in terms of opportunity and profitable growth. Non-SMART are technology, products and services that exist today – the known tech market space, where business boundaries are defined and companies try to outperform their rivals to get a greater share of the existing market.


Concerning SMART Trade, we recognize:

The significant role that Women play in driving SMART innovation, SMART trade and SMART growth

The importance of cooperation to the development of SMART commercial relations between individuals and organizations

The close international trade and economic collaboration between enterprises and organizations, increases SMART trade and investment opportunities locally, regionally, and globally